Scientific publications

Work activity in patients treated with cochlear implants. Scientific Publication

Sep 3, 2016 | Magazine: Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española

Huarte A (1), Martínez-López M (2), Manrique-Huarte R (1), Erviti S (1), Calavia D (1), Alonso C (1), Manrique M (1).

The aim of this study was to determine the impact that the cochlear implant (CI) had in the working life of individuals implanted, using the first version of a questionnaire developed in the cochlear implant program at the University Clinic of Navarre. Its purpose was to demonstrate that the CI significantly affected the working lives of these patients.

This was a retrospection study on a population of 60 patients (mean age, 48 years old) with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss treated with CI and to whom a questionnaire on working life satisfaction was given.

Of the patients completing the questionnaire, 94.23% were currently satisfied at work. Almost all of them (93.05%) were more motivated to go to work after the implantation. The majority (79.31%) considered themselves more competent after surgery and device activation. Social relations at work were considered to have improved after cochlear implantation by 67.23% of patients.

The CI provided positive support in the professional sphere as well as in social abilities by improving communication skills of implanted patients. The development of tools to assess the degree of job satisfaction of patients treated with a CI is of great interest.

CITATION  Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2016 Sep 3. pii: S0001-6519(16)30055-3. doi: 10.1016/j.otorri.2016.05.003