Scientific publications
What are the new guidelines and position papers in pediatric nutrition: A 2015-2020 overview. Scientific Publication
Iva Hojsak 1 , Michael Chourdakis 2 , Konstantinos Gerasimidis 3 , Jessie Hulst 4 , Koen Huysentruyt 5 , Jose M Moreno-Villares 6 , Koen Joosten 7
Background: Nutrition related publications in pediatric population cover wide range of topics and therefore it is usually difficult for clinicians to get an overview of recent nutrition related guidelines or recommendations.
Methods: The Special Interest Group (SIG) of Pediatrics of European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) performed a literature search to capture publications in the last five years aiming to provide the latest information concerning nutritional issues in children in general and in specific diseases and to discuss progression in the field of pediatric nutrition evidence-based practice.
Results: Eight major topics were identified as the most frequently reported including allergy, critical illness, neonatal nutrition, parenteral and enteral nutrition, micronutrients, probiotics and malnutrition. Furthermore, it was noted that many reports were disease focused or included micronutrients and were, therefore, represented as tables.
Conclusion: Overall, it has been shown that most reports on nutrition topics in pediatrics were systematic reviews or guidelines/position papers of relevant societies, but many of them basing the conclusion on a limited number of high-quality randomized controlled trials or large observational cohort studies.
CITATION Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2021 Jun;43:49-63. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.03.004. Epub 2021 Mar 14.