Scientific publications
Ultrastructure of the subventricular zone in Macaca fascicularis and evidence of a mouse-like migratory stream. Scientific Publication
Gil-Perotin S, Duran-Moreno M, Belzunegui S, Luquin MR, Garcia-Verdugo JM.
Recent publications have shown that the lateral wall of the lateral ventricles in the Macaca fascicularis brain, in particular the subventricular zone (SVZ), contains neural stem cells throughout adulthood that migrate through a migratory pathway (RMS) to the olfactory bulb (OB).
To date, a detailed and systematic cytoarchitectural and ultrastructural study of the monkey SVZ and RMS has not been done. We found that the organization of the SVZ was similar to that of humans, with the ependymal layer surrounding the lateral ventricles, a hypocellular GAP layer formed by astrocytic and ependymal expansions, and the astrocyte ribbon, composed of astrocytic bodies. We found no cells corresponding to the type C proliferating precursor of the rodent brain. Instead, proliferating cells, expressed as Ki-67 immunoreactivity, were predominantly young neurons concentrated in the anterior regions, and occasional astrocytes of the ribbon.
We observed displaced ependymal cells of still unknown significance. New neurons tended to organize in chain-like structures, which were surrounded by astrocytes. This pattern was highly reminiscent of that observed in rodent RMS, but not in humans. These chains spread from the frontal SVZ along a GAP-like layer, uniquely composed of astrocytic expansions, to the olfactory bulb (OB). The number of neuronal chains and the number of chain-forming cells decreased gradually upon reaching the OB.
The purpose of this work is to provide a reference for future studies in the field of adult neurogenesis that may lead to an understanding of the fate and functionality of newborn neurons in primates, and ultimately in humans.
CITATION J Comp Neurol. 2009 Jun 10;514(5):533-54. doi: 10.1002/cne.22026.