Scientific publications
Ultrasound study of the myoendometrial border. Scientific Publication
Tocci A, Royo P, Alcázar JL, García-Manero M.
Abnormal thickening of the Endometrial Subendometrial Myometrium Unit (ESEMy Unit, including basal endometrium and inner myometrium) has been detected on imaging and referred to as diffuse adenomyosis in infertile patients with proven endometriosis.
However, no robust relationship exists between enlargement of the ESEMy Unit and adenomyosis proven on hysterectomy specimen examination; moreover, if any correlation exists, it lacks histological validation in women wishing to preserve fertility. While adenomyosis effects on fertility, if any, remain elusive, thickening of the ESEMy Unit have been consistently linked to fertility impairment in both experimental and clinical models.
The hypothesis tested herein is that a novel condition exists, called ESEMy Unit disruption disease; it is epidemiologically different from adenomyosis, diagnosable on imaging and bears a clear impact on human fertility through various mechanisms. A new wave of good quality studies may be elicited by a clear distinction between adenomyosis and the ESEMy Unit disruption disease.
CITATION Rev Med Univ Navarra. 2009 Jul-Sep;53(3):3-5.