Scientific publications
The opinion of psychiatric residents on the training they receive. Scientific Publication
Gómez-Beneyto M, Montilla-García JF, de Castro-Manglano P, Gay-Pamos E, González-Torres MA, Gutierrez-Fraile M, Kuhalainen-Munar A, López-Ibor JJ, Márquez-Gallego F, Peralta-Martín V, Vallejo-Ruiloba J.
The results of a survey carried out by the Spanish National Board for Psychiatric Training among psychiatric trainees in their third and fourth year of training are presented and discussed. The aim of the survey was to know the resident's opinion and level of satisfaction on the training they had received.
The results indicate that the majority of residents had complied with the National Program for Psychiatric Training requirements and that their level of satisfaction was fair. However a small but substantial percentage did not comply adequately with the program, particularly in relation with the training in psychotherapy, research methodology, old age psychiatry, neurology and general medicine.
Based on these results the National Board puts forward some recommendations meant for those involved in the training of psychiatrists in Spain.
CITATION Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2011 May-Jun;39(3):174-9. Epub 2011 May 1