Scientific publications

The obesity syndemic in the European community: towards a systems thinking approach for preventive policies. Scientific Publication

Feb 10, 2024 | Magazine: European Heart Journal

Gema Frühbeck  1   2   3   4 , Luca Busetto  5 , Federico Carbone  6   7

The European community has realized the rising pandemic of obesity within its borders and provides updated reports.

In addition to being a chronic relapsing and lifelong disease, obesity acts as a gateway to other non-communicable diseases. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has also taught us that people with obesity are more prone to fatal consequences of infection diseases.

The stigma of weight and discrimination has now given way to dedicated policies for obesity prevention. Since 2017, the European Commission showcased its commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles by raising funds for various campaigns.

Additionally, in 2022, the European Commission has launched ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’, a not funded support of voluntary pledges provided in good will by State authorities, representatives of the sport movement and Civil Society organizations, cities, and local governments. They are all expected to contribute to the goals of the HealthyLifestyle

All initiative, namely (i) increasing awareness of healthy lifestyle across all generations; (ii) favouring easier access to physical activity and healthy diets, with special focus on inclusion; and (iii) collaborating for a holistic approach to well-being.

CITATION  Eur Heart J. 2024 Feb 10:ehae066. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae066