Scientific publications

Surviving sepsis in an intermediate care unit. Scientific Publication

Apr 1, 2013 | Magazine: The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Carmona-Torre F, Martinez-Urbistondo D, Landecho MF, Lucena JF.

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign, which began in 2003, was a milestone in the treatment of sepsis worldwide. Different approaches to goal-directed therapy proposed by medical centres in Europe and the USA were recently described by Mitchell Levy and colleagues in terms of length of stay, overall mortality, and allocation of patients with sepsis.

However, no reference was made to the possible role of intermediate care units in the management of sepsis. The development of intermediate care units in health-care systems that have insufficient intensive care unit beds could reduce costs, improve use of intensive care units for very sick patients, and decrease mortality rates in hospital wards.

CITATION Lancet Infect Dis. 2013 Apr;13(4):294-5. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70072-0