Scientific publications

Survey of the necessary follow-up examinations after uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery

Jun 1, 2000 | Magazine: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología

Montañés JM, Pérez De Madrid DA, Layana AG, Gil JM, López MM.

Objective: To evaluate which the minimum number of postoperative examinations after uncomplicated phacoemulsification cataract surgery is needed to assure an appropriate follow-up schedule. We evaluated the number of patients that were excluded from the postoperative follow-up schedule and their causes.

Methods: A prospective study was performed on 120 eyes (106 patients), that were randomised in two groups: one with two follow-up visits (first day and one month) and another with three postoperative visits (first day, one week and one month).

Results: Fifteen eyes (12.5%) were excluded from the postoperative visits regime: 11 cases (18.9%) in the group of two visits and 4 cases (6.45%) in the group of three visits. In 10 cases (8.33%) the patient excluded himself from the schedule. The most frequent causes were: doubts about the outdoor activity that could be done, trauma, or complaints about the topical medications. Only in 6 cases they came to the clinic. No further complications were detected in the group of 2 examinations as compared with the other group.

Conclusions: According to the number of patients who left the follow-up schedule as well as the number of complications observed, it appears that in most instances 2 postoperative examinations may be appropriate enough.

CITATION  Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2000;75(5):321-6

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