Scientific publications

SEA 2024 Standards for Global Control of Vascular Risk

Mar 14, 2024 | Magazine: Clínica e investigación en arteriosclerosis

José María Mostaza  1 , Xavier Pintó  2 , Pedro Armario  3 , Luis Masana  4 , José T Real  5 , Pedro Valdivielso  6 , Teresa Arrobas-Velilla  7 , Ramón Baeza-Trinidad  8 , Pilar Calmarza  9 , Jesús Cebollada  10 , Miguel Civera-Andrés  11 , José I Cuende Melero  12 , José L Díaz-Díaz  13 , Javier Espíldora-Hernández  14 , Jacinto Fernández Pardo  15 , Carlos Guijarro  16 , Carles Jericó  3 , Martín Laclaustra  17 , Carlos Lahoz  18 , José López-Miranda  19 , Sergio Martínez-Hervás  5 , Ovidio Muñiz-Grijalvo  20 , Juan A Páramo  21 , Vicente Pascual  22 , Juan Pedro-Botet  23 , Pablo Pérez-Martínez  19 , José Puzo  24


One of the objectives of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis is to contribute to the knowledge, prevention and treatment of vascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death in Spain and entail a high degree of disability and health expenditure.

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease and its prevention requires a global approach that takes into account the associated risk factors. This document summarises the current evidence and includes recommendations for patients with established vascular disease or at high vascular risk: it reviews the symptoms and signs to evaluate, the laboratory and imaging procedures to request routinely or in special situations, and includes the estimation of vascular risk, diagnostic criteria for entities that are vascular risk factors, and general and specific recommendations for their treatment.

Finally, it presents aspects that are not usually referenced in the literature, such as the organisation of a vascular risk consultation.

CITATION  Clin Investig Arterioscler. 2024 Mar 14:S0214-9168(24)00017-2. doi: 10.1016/j.arteri.2024.02.001

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