Scientific publications
Reduction in blood cyclosporine concentration by orlistat in two renal transplant patients. Scientific Publication
Errasti P., García I., Lavilla J., Ballester B., Manrique J., Purroy A.
Obesity displays a high incidence after renal transplantation and presents as a cardiovascular risk factor.
Medical treatment includes limitation of caloric intake, behavior modification, and an aerobic exercise program, with frequent follow-up by the health-care team. Sometimes treatment with agents such as fenfluramine or phentermin is successful. Orlistat (Xenical, Roche Ldt, Switzerland), is a gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor that promotes weight loss in obese patients.
Orlistat interferes with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, but no data are available about interfering with cyclosporine (CyA) absorption in the manufacturer’s brochure.
CITATION Transplant Proc. 2002 Feb;34(1):137-9