Scientific publications

Potentiation of cytotoxicity of electromagnetic shock waves by suramin, in vitro study. Scientific Publication

Jan 1, 1994 | Magazine: Actas Urológicas Españolas

Rosell D, Robles JE, Aguera L, Abad JI, Rodríguez-Rubio FI, Berian JM.

The objective of this experimental study is to assess the inhibition of tumoral cells growth induced by electromagnetic shockwaves at different energy levels in PC-3, the human prostate adenocarcinoma cell line.

Also, an assessment is made of the inhibition of cell growth caused by adding Suramin to the growth medium and the enhancement of cytotoxicity when associated to that produced by electromagnetic shockwaves. Cells viability is determined by life staining exclusion methods and nucleoside incorporation. Cytotoxic action of electromagnetical shockwaves in the PC-3 cell line is dose dependent (p < 0001).

Suramin significantly inhibits cell viability (p < 0001). The association of both therapeutical approaches enhances significantly their individual cytotoxicities (p < 0001).

CITATION Actas Urol Esp. 1994 Jan;18(1):29-33; discussion 34

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