Scientific publications

Pathophysiology of the basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease. Scientific Publication

Oct 1, 2000 | Magazine: Trends in Neurosciences

Obeso J.A., Rodríguez-Oroz M.C., Rodríguez M., Lanciego J.L., Artieda J., Gonzalo N., Olanow C.W.

Insight into the organization of the basal ganglia in the normal, parkinsonian and L-dopa-induced dyskinesia states is critical for the development of newer and more effective therapies for Parkinson's disease. We believe that the basal ganglia can no longer be thought of as a unidirectional linear system that transfers information based solely on a firing-rate code.

Rather, we propose that the basal ganglia is a highly organized network, with operational characteristics that simulate a non-linear dynamic system.

CITATION Trends Neurosci. 2000 Oct;23(10 Suppl):S8-19

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