Scientific publications
Osteosarcoma: correlation between radiological and histological changes after intra-arterial chemotherapy. Scientific Publication
Bilbao J.I., Martín Algarra S., Martínez de Negri J., Lecumberri F., Longo J., Sierrasesúmaga L., Cañadell J.
The statistical correlation between three different radiological methods (conventional radiography, computed tomography and angiography) and tumor necrosis (TN) of the resected specimen have been studied in a series of 31 patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma (OS).
They were treated with a multidisciplinary approach including intraarterial and intravenous chemotherapy followed by limb salvage procedures, plus intraoperative radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy. A clear statistical correlation has been obtained between TN and angiography (p = 0.02) and between TN and two specific radiological signs: 'tumoral stain and neovascularity' (p = 0.02) and 'peritumoral fat planes' (p = 0.05). Conventional radiography, computed tomography and other radiological signs studied (nutrient vessel, soft tissue mass and central peripheral calcifications) did not show any significant correlation with TN.
These results seem to suggest that angiography is a method to evaluate TN preoperatively and also to define the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in OS.
CITATION Eur J Radiol. Sep-Oct 1990;11(2):98-103. doi: 10.1016/0720-048x(90)90156-6.