Scientific publications

Organisation of headache units from a multidisciplinary point of view

Sep 8, 2015 | Magazine: Revista de Neurología

Sanchez-Del-Rio Gonzalez M (1).


Headache units have come into being to respond to the need to address the treatment of patients with complex headaches in a multidisciplinary manner.

Although headaches are one of the most prevalent medical pathologies, it is surprising how little is being done to foster the development of such units. Within the multidisciplinary organisation, the role of the neurologist with adequate training in this field is essential. He or she is the person responsible for receiving, directing, supervising and coordinating the treatment, together with other medical specialties.

The basic core of the team should consist of a psychiatrist, psychologist and physiotherapist. Their joint coordinated action generates an objective improvement in the pain over and beyond that achieved with each isolated treatment.

CITATION  Rev Neurol. 2015;61 Suppl 1:S21-6.