Scientific publications

Orally administered lisuride in the treatment of complex fluctuations of motion in Parkinson disease. Scientific Publication

Sep 1, 1989 | Magazine: Neurología

Luquín MR, Obeso JA, Vaamonde J, Martínez Lage JM.

Oral lisuride associated with the previous therapy (levodopa plus inhibitor) was given to 15 patients with complex fluctuations of mobility that were not controlled with usual therapy. In contrast with previous studies using this drug, in the present trial several lisuride doses (5-10 administrations) were distributed throughout the day.

This therapeutic strategy permitted a greater control of the fluctuations, a significant reduction of the block hours and the disappearance or attenuation of biphasic dyskinesia and off dystonia. It is considered that the use of multiple doses of lisuride permits better therapeutic results than its usual administration schedule (3-4 times a day). Oral lisuride associated with levodopa may provide a definite improvement in motor function in patients with significant functional impairment.

The general tolerance was very good using concomitant domperidone therapy.

CITATION  Neurologia. 1989 Sep;4(7):229-32

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