Scientific publications
Open tension-free hernioplasty using a novel lightweight self-gripping mesh: medium-term experience from two institutions. Scientific Publication
Pedano N, Pastor C, Arredondo J, Poveda I, Ruiz J, Montón S, Molina M, Hernández-Lizoain JL.
The process of mesh fixation and the potential risk of associated chronic pain are always surgeon's main concerns in hernia surgery. A wide variety of lightweight mesh models are currently available on the market to overcome some of these problems showing good preliminary results, but no data representing the medium- or long-term results. The present study aims to report the clinical outcomes of two institutional series of patients who underwent hernia repair using a partially absorbable auto adherent mesh (Parietene(TM) Progrip(TM)-PP).
A prospective analysis was performed including unselected patients with primary groin hernia who underwent a standardized Lichtenstein procedure using the PP mesh at two tertiary institutions.
During the 2-year study period, 181 patients (167 males; 14 females) with a median age of 63 years (19-85 years) were operated on at both centers. Short-term complications occurred in 27 patients (15%), the most commonly seen being urinary retention (6%) followed by hematoma (5%) and acute orchitis (2%). With a median follow-up of 17 months (12-29 months), 4 patients (2%) had a feeling of a foreign body in the groin, and 7 (4%) developed chronic pain. A total of four patients (2%) developed recurrence.
In our experience, the use of the PP mesh for hernioplasties offers a potential benefit not only in the short-term period but also in a medium-term follow-up with low recurrence and late chronic pain rates. However, this particular mesh does not fully prevent all complications and chronic pain and recurrent hernias have been reported for the first time.
CITATION Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Feb;397(2):291-5. doi: 10.1007/s00423-011-0831-6. Epub 2011 Aug 19.