Scientific publications
Normal Neurological Outcome after Congenital Thyrotoxicosis: Prognostic Value of Observation of General Movements. Scientific Publication
Gaboli M, Aguilera S, Azcona C, Alzina V, Narbona J.
We followed up a patient born preterm with congenital thyrotoxicosis by observing her general movements (GMs) in accordance with Prechtl's method. Initially a chaotic pattern was observed.
Along with the normalization of thyroid hormones, the GM pattern changed to a poor repertoire at four weeks of life, full-blown writhing movements at six weeks and fidgety movements at the age of four months.
This is the first report of chaotic GMs in a neonate reflecting transient neurological dysfunction related to congenital thyrotoxicosis, with subsequent normal neurological and cognitive outcome.
CITATION Neuropediatrics. 2008 Dec;39(6):351-3