Scientific publications
Managing recurrent ovarian cancer in daily clinical practice: case studies and evidence review with a focus on the use of trabectedin. Scientific Publication
Domenica Lorusso 1 , Antonio González-Martín 2 , Isabelle Ray-Coquard 3
Following the failure of first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer, options for further therapy in potentially platinum-responsive patients are: carboplatin doublets with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, gemcitabine or paclitaxel in association with bevacizumab, followed by maintenance with bevacizumab (for nonpretreated patients); or maintenance monotherapy with a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor after a response.
The choice of biological therapy depends on a patient's previous treatments and priority for a symptomatic response. In cases of a rapidly growing tumor or need for symptomatic relief, the addition of bevacizumab should be considered.
Patients with limited potential sensitivity to platinum, such as those with a platinum treatment-free interval of 6-12 months, may benefit from intercalation with trabectedin and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin to possibly restore platinum sensitivity.
CITATION Future Oncol. 2021 Jan;17(3s):9-19. doi: 10.2217/fon-2020-1123. Epub 2020 Dec 23.