Scientific publications

Inferior Lateral Genicular Artery Injury during Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery. Scientific Publication

Aug 26, 2012 | Magazine: Case Reports in Surgery

Lamo-Espinosa JM, Llombart Blanco R, Valentí JR.

We report a case of inferior lateral genicular artery (ILG) injury during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery with lateral partial meniscectomy. This is a rare arthroscopy complication. A review of the literature has been made with the aim to define the anatomy of ILG across the lateral articular line and the risk of lesion during knee arthroscopy. We propose embolization as a good treatment option for this type of injuries.

CITATION Case Rep Surg. 2012;2012:457198. Epub 2012 Aug 26