Scientific publications

Joint ENGOT and GOG Foundation requirements for trials with industry partners. Scientific Publication

Aug 1, 2019 | Magazine: Gynecologic Oncology

Vergote I (1), Coleman RL (2), Pignata S (3), Bookman MA (4), Marth C (5), Herzog TJ (6), Gonzalez-Martin A (7), Copeland LJ (8); European Network of Gynaecological Oncological Trial Groups (ENGOT); GOG Foundation Inc..

The European Network of Gynaecological Oncological Trial Groups (ENGOT) is a research network of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), which was founded in 2007 and published earlier its requirements for studies with industry and a roadmap for ENGOT studies [[1], [2], [3]].

The GOG Foundation, Inc. (GOG-F) is non-profit 501(c) [3] corporation based in the District of Columbia, USA, which serves as the organizational body for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP)-funded NRG Oncology and GOG-Partners (GOG-F industry) trials.

The legacy Gynecologic Oncology Group cooperative group was established in 1969 and held its first official meeting in 1970 under the guidance and support of the U.S. NCI [4]. In 2010, the NCI announced its intention to restructure and consolidate the cooperative group system for federally funded research following a study by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) highlighting efficiencies and cost reduction.

This process led to the consolidated group, NRG Oncology Foundation, Inc. (“NRG Oncology”), formed in 2011 by the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) to conduct federally-funded government research; NRG Oncology Philadelphia East is the branch of this group, which houses the legacy GOG cooperative group.

To avoid confusion of the new Groups at that time, the corporate name “Gynecologic Oncology Group Inc.” was changed to The GOG Foundation, Inc. (GOG-F), and its industry-sponsored trials are conducted under the brand name of “GOG-Partners.” The GOG-Foundation, Inc. is the non-profit organization collectively bridging NRG Oncology and GOG-Partners.

The GOG Foundation has designated GOG Partners to oversee non-CTEP funded investigative ventures, including collaborative functions with ENGOT.

CITATION  Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Aug;154(2):255-258. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.04.677