Scientific publications
iNOS Gene Ablation Prevents Liver Fibrosis in Leptin-Deficient ob/ob Mice. Scientific Publication
Feb 27, 2019
| Magazine: Genes
Becerril S (1,2,3), Rodríguez A (4,5,6), Catalán V (7,8,9), Ramírez B (10,11,12), Unamuno X (13,14,15), Gómez-Ambrosi J (16,17,18), Frühbeck G (19,20,21,22).
iNOS deficiency in ob/ob mice improved liver inflammation and ECM remodeling-related genes, decreasing fibrosis, and metabolic dysfunction.
The activation of iNOS by leptin is necessary for the synthesis and secretion of TNC in hepatocytes, suggesting an important role of this alarmin in the development of NAFLD.
CITATION Genes (Basel). 2019 Feb 27;10(3). pii: E184. doi: 10.3390/genes10030184
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Endocrinology and Nutrition Department
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Endocrinology and Nutrition Department
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Endocrinology and Nutrition Department
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