Scientific publications

HIPEC: HOPE or HYPE in the fight against advanced ovarian cancer? Scientific Publication

Jun 4, 2018 | Magazine: Annals of Oncology

Fotopoulou C (1,2), Sehouli J (2), Mahner S (3), Harter P (4), Van Nieuwenhuysen E (5), Gonzalez-Martin A (6), Vergote I (5), Chiva L (7), du Bois A (4).

Undergoing an era of revolutionary new knowledge and advances in the systemic and surgical treatment of peritoneally disseminated epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), we never before have been confronted with such a plethora of novel targeted agents, genetically based treatment strategies and cutting edge surgical techniques that enrich our armamentarium in the fight against this deadly disease (1-3). Still, our art as clinicians is to put all this new body of knowledge into the right context so that we can help our patients without compromising their care through an enthusiastic effort of implementing new therapeutic approaches that are not yet sufficiently validated or confirmed.

A characteristic example of such an enthusiastic endeavor is the incorporation of  hyperthermic-intraperitoneal-chemotherapy (HIPEC) in the multimodal treatment concept of advanced EOC. It has already been implemented since years without any acceptable level of evidence from a controlled randomized trial. Has this gap now been closed and is HIPEC
ready for prime time?

CITATION  Ann Oncol. 2018 Aug 1;29(8):1610-1613. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy198