Scientific publications
Granular cell tumor of vulva on episiotomy scar. Scientific Publication
May 1, 1994
| Magazine: Gynecologic Oncology
Murcia JM, Idoate M, Laparte C, Baldonado C.
The granular cell tumor (GCT) is a rare neoplasm derived from Schwann cells and is considered to be a benign tumor. The vulvar region is one of the common sites for these lesions. Vulvar occurrence of GCT constitutes about 7% of cases. To our knowledge, this is the first case of granular cell tumor of the vulva on an episiotomy scar.
GCT should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a benign tumor of the vulva and reactive granular cell lesions.
CITATION Gynecol Oncol. 1994 May;53(2):248-50