Scientific publications
COVID-19 Publications in Allergy Journals, 2020-2021: A Bibliometric Analysis. Scientific Publication
May 6, 2022
| Magazine: Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunoloy
C M D Amelio 1 2 3 , G Gastaminza 1 2 3 , I Aquerreta 4 , E Cacho-Asenjo 3 4 , A Martinez-Simon 3 5 , J M Núñez-Córdoba 6 7
No abstract available
CITATION J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2022 May 6;0. doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0821

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Allergy and Immunology Department
Navarre headquarters
Allergy and Immunology Department
Navarre headquarters
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department
Navarre headquarters
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department
Navarre headquarters