Scientific publications

Continuous performance of a novel motor sequence leads to highly correlated striatal and hippocampal perfusion increases. Scientific Publication

Oct 1, 2009 | Magazine: Neuroimage

Fernández-Seara MA, Aznárez-Sanado M, Mengual E, Loayza FR, Pastor MA.

The time course of changes in regional cerebral perfusion during a continuous motor learning task performed with the right hand was monitored using the arterial spin labeling (ASL) technique at high field (3 T). ASL allowed measuring explicit learning related effects in neural activity elicited throughout a 6 minute task period.

During this time learning took place as demonstrated by performance improvement. Comparing the initial and final learning phases, perfusion decreases were detected in most of the cortical regions recruited during early learning. More interestingly however perfusion increases were observed in a few cortical and subcortical regions of the contralateral hemisphere: the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory area, the posterior insula and posterior putamen, the hippocampus and bilaterally the retrosplenial cortex.

Moreover, perfusion increases in the posterior putamen and hippocampus were highly correlated during the learning period. These results support the hypothesis that the striatum and hippocampus form interactive memory systems with parallel processing.

CITATION Neuroimage. 2009 Oct 1;47(4):1797-808