Scientific publications
Cochlear-Internal Canal and Cochlear-Facial Dehiscence: A Novel Entity. Scientific Publication
Octavio Garaycochea 1 , Pablo D Domínguez 2 , Manuel Manrique 1 , Raquel Manrique-Huarte 1
Different types of otic capsule dehiscence restricted to the cochlea have been described. Here we describe the case of a patient with a cochlear-internal auditory canal dehiscence associated with a cochlear-facial dehiscence not reported before.
A 53-year-old patient with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss due to bilateral Meniere's disease underwent a cochlear implant surgery on the right ear.
Preoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging findings were reported to be normal; during surgery, a cerebrospinal fluid gusher occurred at the time of round window opening. Postoperative computed tomography imaging showed a bony dehiscence at two levels of the otic capsule.
CITATION J Int Adv Otol. 2018 Aug;14(2):334-336. doi: 10.5152/iao.2018.5089