Scientific publications

Brainstem metastasis from a prostate adenocarcinoma in the context of Muir-Torre syndrome

Nov 20, 2012 | Magazine: Neurocirugía

Aldave G, Pay E, Queipo F, Idoate MA, Guridi J.

Muir-Torre syndrome is a genetic disease characterised by the association of sebaceous neoplasms with visceral neoplasms, mainly colorectal cancer and secondly urogenital tumours. Metastases from prostate tumours without systemic disease are rare in the brain and exceptional in the brainstem.

We present a 48-year old male, with a single brainstem metastasis from a prostate adenocarcinoma, who had previously been diagnosed with Muir-Torre syndrome. Diagnostic stereotactic biopsy was performed.

Single metastasis from a prostate adenocarcinoma in the brainstem without systemic disease is exceptional. Due to the different diagnostic possibilities, biopsy should be performed in order to obtain a diagnosis, especially in the context of Muir-Torre syndrome.

CITATION   2012 Nov 20. pii: S1130-1473(12)00161-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neucir.2012.07.005