The fluorescence microscope


Cutting-edge technology

We continuously improve our technology, as we are clear that technology and research means new opportunities for our patients.

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra was one of the first Spanish centres to acquire this equipment.

The Clinic is equipped with a fluorescent microscope, a variant of the ultraviolet light microscope, which has a series of advantages over the latter, such as greater contrast between signal and noise; using antibodies directed against a protein, it makes it possible to locate it in a cell and offers versatility for studying functions and processes in living cells.

This technique also requires the use of the most modern technology in surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible while respecting the most important areas of the brain. It must be combined with surgical navigation and neurophysiological monitoring.

According to the results obtained, its surgical use doubles the complete removal of malignant brain tumours and 99% of the tumour volume of all operated glioblastomas.