Scientific publications
Consensus statement for accreditation of multidisciplinary thyroid cancer units
Juan José Díez 1 , Juan Carlos Galofré 2 , Amelia Oleaga 3 , Enrique Grande 4 , Mercedes Mitjavila 5 , Pablo Moreno 6 , Grupo de Trabajo de Cáncer de Tiroides de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
Thyroid cancer is the leading endocrine system tumor. Great advances have recently been made in understanding of the origin of these tumors and the molecular biology that makes them grow and proliferate, which have been associated to improvements in diagnostic procedures and increased availability of effective local and systemic treatments.
All of the above makes thyroid cancer a paradigm of how different specialties should work together to achieve the greatest benefit for the patients. Coordination of all the procedures and patient flows should continue throughout diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up, and is essential for further optimization of resources and time.
This manuscript was prepared at the request of the Working Group on Thyroid Cancer of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, and is aimed to provide a consensus document on the definition, composition, requirements, structure, and operation of a multidisciplinary team for the comprehensive care of patients with thyroid cancer.
For this purpose, we have included contributions by several professionals from different specialties with experience in thyroid cancer treatment at centers where multidisciplinary teams have been working for years, with the aim of developing a practical consensus applicable in clinical practice.
CITATION Endocrinol Nutr. 2016 Mar;63(3):e1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.endonu.2015.07.005. Epub 2015 Oct 9