Our professionals

Dr. Salvador Martin Algarra
Medical Oncology Specialist
Area of Expertise: study and treatment of melanoma and sarcoma
Professional career
Graduated (1981) from the University of Cadiz, was awarded his doctorate (1985) in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra and became a Medical Oncology Specialist (1991).
From 1993-1995 he was a Fellow in the Department of Hematology-Oncology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha (USA). In 1995, he began working at the Clínica.
He was Deputy Medical Director from 1998-2001 and President of the Commission of Teaching at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra from 2006-2011.
He has participated in 48 research projects, and was the Leading Investigator for 43 of them.
His main areas of interest are melanoma and sarcomas of unknown origin.
As an educator
He has been an associate professor at the University of Navarra Faculty of Medicine since 1st October 2005.
On 13th January 2014 he was accredited as a Titular Professor by the ANECA.
He teaches three different subjects for Medicine students and 5 courses for Doctorate students, furthermore he also taught Oncological Nursing (2005-2012), Masters Students for Biomedical Investigation and Cellular and Molecular Biology of cancer. He has led 4 doctoral theses and 2 dissertations.
As a researcher
He has had 90 publications in indexed magazines, 29 of which were included in the first tertile and 46 were published in the last 10 years. He has also had 23 articles published in non-indexed, but prestigious, magazines, and has written 2 books and 2 book chapters. He has spoken at 128 conferences and was a Member of the Scientific Committee 11 times, participating in organizing 13 conferences. He has also given 45 presentations at meetings and seminars.

- Desde el año 2008 hasta la actualidad el cargo de Presidente del GEM (Grupo Español Multidisciplinar de Melanoma).
Organismos científicos
- Miembro del Grupo Internacional de Melanoma (IMWG) integrado dentro de la Fundación AIM at melanoma.
- Miembro de la AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) desde 1989.
- Miembro de ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology).
- Miembro de ESMO (European Society For Medical Oncology).
- Miembro de la Fundación ECO (Fundación para la excelencia y la calidad de la Oncología).
Latest scientific publications
- Thyroid dysfunction caused by immune-checkpoint-inhibitors improves cancer outcomes. Scientific Publication Jul 1, 2024 | Magazine: Endocrine-Related Cancer
- Access to systemic treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer in Spain: a survey analysis. Scientific Publication Jul 1, 2024 | Magazine: Clinical & Translational Oncology