Publicaciones científicas

Regulator soluble factors of human IgE synthesis. III. In vitro modifications.

01-ago-1989 | Revista: Allergologia et Immunopathologia

Tabar AI, Sanz ML, Oehling A.

With our experience on the production and identification of low molecular weight glycoproteins in supernatants of MLC in atopic, pollen-allergic and healthy individuals and after demonstrating the changes in IgE synthesis in isolated lymphocytes of healthy individuals, we decided to amplify the study to include the effects of the allergic population group. Bidirectional mixed lymphocyte cultures were grown. Afterwards supernatants obtained from chromatography of the same affinity were processed, as described in a previous work.

The second fractions derived from the MLC of atopic and pollen-allergic individuals affected IgE synthesis at both concentrations. No modifications in IgG synthesis were observed to be due to the addition of these fractions.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 1989 Jul-Aug;17(4):183-8