Publicaciones científicas
Lack of gene amplification as a mechanism of CDK4 activation in human neuroblastoma
Fan X, Gómez L, Nistal M, Sierrasesúmaga L, Castresana JS.
Neuroblastoma is the most frequent solid tumor in childhood. We have analysed 48 neuroblastomas of different stages and degrees of cellular differentiation for CDK4 amplification by a fluorescent differential PCR assay. We explored the relative densitometric measure of a 119 bp fragment of the CDK4 gene versus an 82 bp fragment of the IFNG gene.
We were not able to detect any case of CDK4 gene amplification in the neuroblastomas. In conclusion, CDK4 activation does not seem to be relevant to the development of neuroblastomas, at least through gene amplification.
CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Oncol Rep. 1999 May-Jun;6(3):647-50