Publicaciones científicas

In situ detection of AE2 anion-exchanger mRNA in the human liver

01-mar-1998 | Revista: Cell and Tissue Research

García C, Montuenga LM, Medina JF, Prieto J.

Na+-independent anion exchangers, a family of membrane proteins that mediate electroneutral exchanges of chloride and bicarbonate ions across the cell membrane, are considered to be involved in intracellular pH regulation as well as in transepithelial acid/base transport.

Previous immunohistochemical data have shown that anion-exchanger-2 (AE2) protein is expressed in the liver parenchyma, localizing at both the canaliculi and the luminal surfaces of intrahepatic bile ducts, where it may have a role in the biliary secretion of bicarbonate. In the present study, we have carried out in situ hybridization experiments on biopsies of human liver using three overlapping antisense anion-exchanger-2 riboprobes. Anion-exchanger-2 mRNA signals were localized mainly in the cytoplasm of terminal and interlobular bile-duct cells, whereas weaker signals were observed in bile-duct cells of larger intrahepatic ducts. Furthermore, some hepatocytes, mostly periportal, contained detectable anion-exchanger-2 mRNA signals in their cytoplasm. No hybridization signals were observed in controls with sense riboprobes, with omission of the antisense probe, or with treatment of the sections with RNase before hybridizations.

Finally, intense anion-exchanger-2 hybridization signals were observed in lymphomononuclear cells in sinusoids and in portal infiltrates. Immunocytochemical data from reverse-phase sections suggest that these cells correspond to some of the CD45R+ (UCHL1+) T lymphocytes resident in the liver.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Cell Tissue Res. 1998 Mar;291(3):481-8