Publicaciones científicas

Clinical pharmacology and indications of meropenem in severe pediatric infection

01-sep-1997 | Revista: Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica

Honorato J, Sádaba B, Díaz M.


The choice of an antibiotic for the treatment of a serious paediatric infection is generally a difficult problem. The arrival of Carbapenem resulted an important advance in the field of medicine due to its broad-spectrum, low incidence of resistances and good safety profile. Among Carbapenems, Meropenem introduction represents a progress because of its pharmacokinetics characteristics and blood-brain barrier penetration.

Meropenem dosage depends on the patient weight, and the way of administration is potentially easier. Meropenem has been compared with the most used paediatric antimicrobial in controlled and randomised clinical trials, showing a high efficacy in the treatment of several infections (respiratory, urinary, intraabdominal, dermatological, septicemia) and in neutropenic and cystic fibrosis patients aged between one month and twelve years old. Meropenem is specially useful in the bacterial meningitis treatment because it penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with inflamed meninges and reaches therapeutic concentrations, and because appearance of seizures is low.

Adverse reactions produced by Meropenem show a poor incidence and its severity is usually mild. With regard to this characteristics, it can be concluded that Meropenem is an antimicrobial which efficacy and safety profiles guarantee its use in the treatment of severe paediatric infections.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO  Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 1997 Sep;15 Suppl 1:38-44