Internal Medicine

"The role of the hospitalist doctors is also to coordinate and integrate the set of medical care that the patient needs to receive from the various specialists".


The Department of Internal Medicine offers global care to adult patients, providing a general overview of their situation and being a reference for specific diseases.

Its integrative vision and its polyvalence allow us to provide the best medical care to multipathological and multisymptomatic patients, who present a difficult diagnosis or who suffer from prevalent diseases of a hospital nature.

The Clinic's team is made up of a group of multidisciplinary specialists from various units: Check-ups, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology. In addition to collaborating closely with the other departments. 

Imagen del icono de la consulta de Segunda Opinión. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Do you need a remote second opinion?

Our professionals will provide you with a medical evaluation without you having to leave your home.

Do you need to request a consultation with one of our specialists?


Care areas

The global care of the adult patient requires not only medical assistance in a timely manner, but also the coordination and integration of all medical care that the patient needs from the necessary specialists.


Care of own patients who require hospital admission to obtain the most appropriate treatment in each case.

Intermediate Care

Specialized area for those patients who require continuous monitoring and special nursing care.

Medical Hospitalists

Advanced and specific unit for the care of complex hospital patients with multiple pathologies, especially for surgical patients.

Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why choose the Clinic?

  • Cutting edge diagnostic technology.
  • Quick diagnosis to start the most appropriate treatment early.
  • Teamwork with the rest of the professionals of the Clinic.

Our team of professionals

An opportunity for our patients


Second Opinion Consultation

Consulting other specialists who are not related to our usual doctor can be very valuable, especially when the patient suffers from an uncommon disease, the diagnosis is not completely clear or the result of the treatment is not as expected.

The Internal Medicine team will personally determine the need for a specialized consultation.

We help our patients to overcome their stories

Their testimonies encourage us to continue improving our services