Scientific publications

Extrahepatic vessels depending on the hepatic artery. Identification and management

Jan 15, 2011 | Magazine: Radiología

Arias Fernández J, Martín Martín B, Pinheiro da Silva N, Díaz ML, Bilbao JI.


Patients with malignant liver tumors, whether primary tumors or metastases, that are not candidates for surgical treatment can benefit from different endovascular treatments with proven efficacy in local control of the disease.

Correct treatment requires a careful angiographic technique and precise knowledge about the vascular anatomy afferent to the lesion. Occasionally, lesions considered relapse are actually areas that were untreated because the afferent pedicle was not adequately detected.

On the other hand, some of the complications of endovascular treatments are related with material passing into non-hepatic vessels. Knowing the hepatic vascular anatomy and correctly identifying all the extrahepatic vessels will make it possible to perform safer, more efficacious treatments.

In this article, we present different representative examples of extrahepatic vessels that originate in the hepatic artery.

CITATION  Radiologia. 2011 January - February;53(1):18-26. doi: 10.1016/j.rx.2010.07.007.  Epub 2011 Feb 4.